Keep Safe
A Guide for Resilient Housing Design in Island Communities
Title: Keep Safe: A Guide for Resilient Housing Design in Island Communities
Summary: Led by Enterprise Community Partners, Keep Safe is a resource to enable people to rebuild stronger. The guide provides practical and affordable ideas for rebuilding homes.
In 2017, immediately following Hurricanes Irma and Maria, a diverse team of experts assembled and, through a process of dialogue and consensus, produced this technical and comprehensive guide. While the guide is relevant and has case studies pertinent to Puerto Rico, it is translated in Spanish and English (PDF or online interactive), to benefit other island countries and nations, particularly in the same climate zone as Puerto Rico.
Services: Technical advisor, content development, and graphic illustrations.
Team: resilientSEE collaborators included Perkins&Will, MIT Urban Risk Lab, Alvarez Díaz & Villalón Architecture and Interior Design. Since this effort was led by Enterprise Community partners with a series of partners, please see the guidebook for a full list of content developers and advisors.
Complete Date: 2019
Impact: Island communities around the globe.
Keep Safe Guide core team